About Kooshlee Knowledge Series

Kooshlee Knowledge Series is a collection of Tutorials, Blogs, Interviews and DIYs to help you discover new hobbies and find inspiration from artists specialising in different genres. These are brought to you in collaboration with amazingly talented artists and Friends of Kooshlee.


Art journaling for newbies x Gaurav

In the latest Kooshlee Knowledge Series, we bring to you Gaurav Gupta (@ggarts91), creative drawing artist who focuses on Mandalas, Zentangles and Florals. Ink, Gouache, Watercolors and Acrylics are his mediums. Recently, he started his journaling journey and we interviewed him to capture his fresh thoughts. 

Kooshlee words: Newbie, blank canvas, journal supplies


For me, making things in my art journal is a playful activity where I can unleash my our inner child and give wings to my art. The main thing that stopped me from keeping a journal in the past was fear of messing up.


Specifically, what if I messed up the very first page of my art journal. Thats, why today I want to talk about the first page, THE BLANK CANVAS. This is one of the scariest parts for an artist.

Before that, let me talk about how I discovered art journaling. One fine day, I stumbled upon some instagramers posting their art journals, I got really curious to see those. Then, For Journaling supplies I found Kooshlee Store while scrolling through my IG feed. 

Let me walk you through my process for creating my first journal!  


How to Start an Art Journal: 3 Quick and Easy Steps
1. A Notebook:
There are no rules for journaling. However, it’ll be quite hard to keep one if you don’t have a notebook of some kind. I have used the Petite Planner Notebook from the Kooshlee store. 



 2. Some cool Journaling supplies:
The next things you will need are some cool journaling stickers, stamps, quotes and washi tape. I got some cool washi supplies from Kooshlee.   



 3. Let's get started:  
So, you have all the supplies, but now you’re not exactly sure how to start an art journal. You might end up staring at a blank page for hours. Here are some art journal prompts I used to begin my journey, sharing with you to start. I picked up my favorite florals and patterns.                                                                                                                                 .

You can pick any theme. For example- Your dream vacation, Your favorite article from the magazine, A word that inspires you, Activities on your bucket list, A superpower you’d love to have, A full page of doodles, mandalas or zentangles, Your current thoughts and feelings, Goals for the upcoming week, month, or year, Objects and activities that bring you joy.



Here are the details about how I used different supplies for my art journal.

For the base, I have used the notebook and It looks unique and different from the usual black or white notebook.

Next, I used some cool print stickers and I tore the sticker into two parts and pasted the parts diagonally. One top of it I added a piece of barcode to give it a funky look 👀.

Next thing, I did was to paste a small artwork created by me at the center. You can add anything you of your choice like your favorite photo, your travel memories, your favorite quote etc. 

Next, I added a cool botanical sticker and I felt it would match the theme. 🤗
I love flowers and I believe you too love them. So why not to add a cute flower and we are almost done. 😄

Just for the final touch add some cool stripes from the Blue Royal washi tape set. In my opinion, These have some amazing designs and these can match any theme. I created a journal focusing on florals, petals and nature so I decided to add some birds and some golden patterns from the washi tape set. And Hurrayyyy! It's ready! 🤗😊

It all begins with a notebook :) 

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